Bebe Akinboade


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TEXT: 1 Corin 12: 27

If we want to be encouraged in our own individuality and independence, we must
sow the same type of freedom and respect into other people’s lives. “Live
and let live” should be our motto. There was a time in my life when I was
rather narrow-minded, and I well remember judging and rejecting one woman in
particular who was a rather unique nonconformist. She dressed eclectically long
before it became stylish. She was not rebellious against authority, but she was
unpredictable and determined to live her own life. She was sort of like the
wind – you never knew exactly what to expect. That bothered me, because in
those days I was more of a legalist. Everything had to be one way – usually my

I look back now and think I probably missed out on a great relationship with
someone who could have nurtured freedom in me. But, like many people, I was
fearful of living outside the norm.

If you are tired of living on the beaten path that everyone else walks, venture
into the woods. Some people would be afraid they would get lost, but a
confident woman expects to have a new experience that might be outrageously

Pray: Lord, help me to see beyond my narrow limitations for people. I want to
see what You see in them, but I’ll never see it without Your touch. Amen.

From the book The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer.

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