Bebe Akinboade


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Dr. Norman
Vincent Peale, one of the greatest success motivators of all time once said; “If
you think in negative terms you will get negative results. If you think in
positive terms, you will achieve positive results.”
It is your
attitude that determines your altitude in life.
Now, to
develop a positive attitude, I suggest that you do the following:
BEST ALWAYS: When you expect the best, it is natural for your thoughts,
feelings, words and actions to be positive. On the other hand, when we expect
failure and disappointment most of the time, our thoughts, feelings, words and
actions tend to be negative.

SELF-TALK:  What you say to yourself has
more impact on you than whatever anybody else says to you. It is one of the
most effective ways to influence your attitude.
When you say
positive things to yourself, it is a way of programming yourself for success. Some
call it auto-suggestion. Neurologists discovered several years ago that the
nerves at the speech centre of the brain control the nerves that control all
the other parts of the body.
When you talk
success, you will feel like a success and begin to act like a success. You will
(Sam Adeyemi,
insightful teacher, leadership coach and author of several books on successful
living, is the President of Success Power International. He also pastor Daystar
Christian Centre, Lagos, Nigeria, a church with the vision of raising role
models of excellence)      
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