Bebe Akinboade


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There is power in a
made-up mind. The spiritual, mental and material resources God has positioned
around our lives seem to respond to our decisions. Life seems eager to aid us
once our minds are made up.
You must decide
your career, family, health, financial and spiritual goals.
Also, you must
decide your personal values. Your values are standards that you truly believe
in. They determine your priorities. Examples of values are integrity, love,
excellent customer service and accountability.
Now, let me suggest
some steps as you take the decisions that will determine your destiny.

  • First, write down
    your goals for the next five years
  • Secondly, arrange
    those goals in order of priority.
  • Thirdly, select the
    goal that is of highest priority to you.
  • Then make a plan.
    It will help you to see how you will progress from one stage to the other.
  • Finally, take
    action. Do one thing every day that will move you towards the fulfillment of
    your goals. And remember that if you do not have goals, you are doomed forever
    to work for those who do.
(Sam Adeyemi,
insightful teacher, leadership coach and author of several books on successful
living , is the President of Success Power International. He hosts the radio
and television programme ‘Success Power’ which is broadcast in Nigeria and many
other nations. He also pastors Daystar Christian Centre, Lagos, Nigeria, a
church with the vision of raising role models of excellence)
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