Bebe Akinboade


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Do you
suffer from an uneven skin tone? Feel embarrassed? Self-conscious? Insecure? Piling
make up on to cover up?Well, you are not alone…Millions upon millions of
people have an uneven skin tone, which can be rather embarrassing and cause
confidence and insecurity issues. So what causes an uneven skin tone?  Why do you have this? First of all everyone
has pigment in their skin, it is called Melanin, which I am sure you are aware
For example,
a darker skinned person has more melanin in their skin than a fairer skinned
person.  Melanin is produced by cells in
the upper layer of your skin called the epidermis.  Melanin, a chemical is responsible for
changing the color of your skin, which is determined genetically.
Genes tell
your cells how much Melanin to release and UV rays also tell your cells to
release more Melanin to areas exposed to the sun. This is why wearing sun
screen is crucial for the long term.
In this
article, BOLA AKINBOADE-BELLO brings to you some of the most common skin
pigmentation disorders.
The two main
types hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation. Hyper means too much melanin is
produced and hypo means not enough is.

Melasma is a
condition that is a result of hyper-pigmentation and results in brownish to tan
splotches on your skin. In women who are pregnant this is known as the “mask
of pregnancy”, and is due to hormonal changes.
Vitiligo is
an outcome of Hypo-pigmentation. The result is having white patches on your
skin, and it is believed to be due to your immune system attacking your melanin
producing cells.
names age spots, can appear at any age, and these are primarily caused by sun
exposure, and can appear years after excessive exposure. Melanocytes, which are
skin cells usually appear years after the sun exposure. Age spots are areas
where pigment has collected, therefore leaving your skin with blotchy dark
patches. Age spots can also occur due to bruising, due to blood pool sitting in
one spot for a period of time.
This is
darkening of certain areas of your skin, and is primarily caused by scarring. This
scarring is usually from acne damage, and skin lesions.
There you
have it…Those are the most common reasons for an uneven skin tone, which can
cause self-image issues.
They CAN be
treated, and with patience and persistence can be eliminated, returning your skin
back to its beautiful state it was once in! If you are ready to get rid of your
uneven skin tone and get your confidence back, then here is a  natural skin lightening system that will explain what your exact skin type is, provide you with
very high quality 100% natural skincare range.
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