Bebe Akinboade


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We all have
little aches and pains that come and go. Perhaps even a little dizziness when
standing up to fast, or maybe a little heartburn after that spicy meal. Most of
the time we’re pretty good at figuring out whether something we’re feeling is
serious or can be ignored. The problem is those serious conditions that can
often trick us into thinking we’re OK, and that we’re simply experiencing a
little heartburn or a headache that will go away with time. Most of the time
there are ways to separate the serious from the not-so-serious, and in many
cases, these serious conditions can be quite serious – even life-threatening.
The following symptoms are characteristic of medical conditions you do not want
to ignore.
This is
definitely something you don’t want to take chances with. A severe headache,
which may feel like the worst headache you have ever experienced is a warning
sign that could indicate you have an aneurysm on your brain that has ruptured.
Getting immediate medical attention under these circumstances is critical.
Without intervention, an aneurysm can lead to brain damage and even death
Most of us
have experienced gas pains that probably made us pretty miserable, but this
kind of pain is usually on a different level. If you’re also running a fever
and feeling nauseous, there’s a chance that you could be suffering from
appendicitis. Despite the fact that the appendix is a tiny little organ that
often seems insignificant, it can cause big problems when it becomes inflamed.
In women, these symptoms could also indicate an ovarian cyst. In either
situation, emergency surgery is likely in the cards, so don’t delay calling for

Leg cramps certainly
aren’t any fun, but they usually go away after a minute or two. If you
experience one that simply does not want to stop, it could be an indication of
deep-vein thrombosis or DVT. This is a serious condition that results from a
blood clot that forms in the legs. Even though a clot in one of your legs may
not seem like a life-threatening situation, the real danger is that the clot
can break lose and travel to the lungs or the heart which can result in death.
Spending a lot of time sitting can make DVT more likely, especially for those
who travel a lot by air. Other risk factors include taking certain hormone
replacement medications and other estrogen-based medications.
Yes, this is
one that should be recognizable by just about everyone in light of all the
attention heart disease has been getting in the last few decades. Although
conditions like heartburn can bring about chest pain, it is normally not
comparable to a heart attack, which is usually unmistakable, being described by
many as a feeling of an elephant sitting on your chest. Chest pain, accompanied
by pain that radiates into an arm, nausea, shortness of breath and sweating are
further indications of heart attack. Women may also experience symptoms such as
upper abdominal pain, pressure, throat pain, fatigue or a burning sensation.
This often
occurs after someone has exerted themselves, especially if it involved moving
or lifting something heavy. Although you might expect a dose of Advil or
aspirin to dull or relieve the pain, neither one of those remedies will make
much of a dent in the pain that accompanies a ruptured or slipped disc.
Ignoring it could result in permanent nerve damage, so a call to your doctor at
your earliest convenience is definitely in order.
For people who
are overweight, this might seem like a good thing, but oftentimes it is closer
to being a curse in disguise as opposed to a blessing. Losing more than 10
percent of your body weight without trying could be a symptom of a variety of
potentially dangerous conditions including diabetes, overactive thyroid,
cancer, or liver disease.
Another one
that may not seem like a big deal at first could be an indicator of a very
serious problem. Leukemia will often interfere with the blood’s normal ability
to clot, resulting in gums that bleed easily, nose bleeds, bruising easily and
other symptoms like fatigue, night sweats, and fever. Leukemia is a cancer of
the blood-producing tissues in the body and is not something to delay getting
treatment for.
Fever is the
body’s normal defensive response to infection, but a fever that persists, or is
particularly high warrants medical attention. A persistent low-grade fever that
persists for weeks, or any fever that goes above 103 degrees Fahrenheit should
be called to the attention of your doctor. A high fever can indicate a number
of conditions including pneumonia, endocarditis, meningitis, or a urinary tract
infection. A low-grade fever that does not go away might be a symptom of a
sinus infection, some other type of infection, a virus or even some types of
Sudden onset
of breathing difficulty could indicate a pulmonary embolism which occurs when a
clot that has formed somewhere in the body travels to and becomes lodged in the
lungs. Coughing up blood and chest pain are also indicators that a pulmonary
embolism could be the culprit. If you find that shortness of breath can result
from mild exertion, like climbing a few stairs or you are simply getting tired
more quickly than usual, you could be suffering from COPD or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
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