Bebe Akinboade


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Everyone is born
with a different skin tone. When you’re a child, it tends to be smooth and
even. However, as we get older, and acne and aging occur, skin tone can become
uneven and discolored. Skin imperfections come in the form of sunspots,
freckles, red blotchy areas and countless others. So why do these imperfections
show themselves? The usual cause is too much sun exposure, but other things may
affect it as well. Skin can become discolored as a result of hormonal
imbalances. If you’re on birth control or pregnant, you might notice that your
skin tone seems to change from day to day. As skin is our largest organ, it
also happens to be the most exposed. In this article, BOLA AKINBOADE-BELLO
presents to us  few tricks we can use to
even out skin tone.
CIDERVINEGAR (ACV): it contains amino acids, mineral salts, and plenty of
vitamins. There’s also sulfur in it, which makes it a great skin toner and an
effective skin spot, age spot and acne fader. To use this method, soak a cotton
ball or pad with pure, raw apple cider vinegar, and apply directly to the skin
up to twice daily. It can be drying, so test it first!
your face with honey; or combine into an oatmeal scrub/mask
CHAMOMILE: this can
be used as a toner, by brewing a strong tea with a chamomile tea bag and a 1/2
cup of water. Let it steep for a few hours, strain and combine the tea with a
1/2 cup of witch hazel. Use after washing for natural home remedy for
brightening the skin, and make sure to store it in the refrigerator.
MILK: can lighten
your skin for a more even tone by working on melanin to lighten the skin, and
helping to diminish the appearance of darker blemishes and scars.
EXTRACT: it’s a great anti-inflammatory, and is great at fading skin marks and
smoothing the skin. To use this method, mix the extract with either distilled
water or green tea, and soak a soft cotton cloth in the mixture. Then apply to
your clean face for 15 minutes.
LEMON: Citric acid
in lemons is a natural way to lighten and even out your skin tone. You can
apply lemon juice to your clean face daily, and wash it off after letting it
sit for 15-20 minutes. Remember to wash it off completely before going into the

TURMERIC: turmeric
can be taken in pill form available at your local health food or organic store,
OR you can apply it directly to the skin. Try this recipe: mix 1 tablespoon
turmeric, 1 tablespoon finely ground almonds or cornmeal, and 2 tablespoons
buttermilk. Apply to your clean face and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse
well & done!
OATMEAL: oatmeal
acts as a great exfoliator. You can add some raw honey to make more of a
thicker paste. Apply to your clean face, and let sit for 10 minutes. Then rub
your face for a few minutes before rinsing off well.
EGG WHITES: beat an
egg white and rub onto your clean skin, letting it sit for 15 minutes before
rinsing well with water. You can also try this mask recipe: mix 1 egg white, 1
tablespoon raw honey, 1 1/2 teaspoons witch hazel, and 2 teaspoons lemon juice.
Apply to your clean skin, and let sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well & done!
Be sure to store in the fridge if you don’t use it all!
Use these 2 to 4
weeks before giving up if you’re not seeing drastic results; natural ways can
take a little longer, but will be better for your skin and your body!
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