Bebe Akinboade


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It is not always
necessary to depend upon the Sleeping Pills to have a Good night’s Sleep when
you got nature’s best Sleep inducers in your kitchen. Here is the list of top
sleep-inducing Foods that will help you to sleep soundly every night:
Banana is
practically the best sleep-inducing food. Banana helps to release melatonin and
serotonin in our body. These two are hormones, which relax our body. In
addition, they contain magnesium, which helps in relaxing the body muscles.
Studies show that
milk has tryptophan, a kind of amino acid that has sedative properties. Milk is
also a rich source of calcium. Calcium helps the brain to utilize tryptophan,
which results in deep sleep.
Honey works like
magic when you are wide-awake on your bed, waiting to fall asleep. It has been
proved that a little honey in your herbal tea and warm milk signals your brain
to turn off orexin. Orexin is recently discovered neurotransmitter that helps
us to stay awake and alert. A slight word of caution here, too much sweet can
stimulate your brain instead.
Carbohydrates like
potatoes help to clean all the acids in the gastrointestinal tract. This leads
to washing out all those components that block the effects of tryptophan. A
small bowl of mashed potatoes will not hurt your body and your diet regime at
all. Mix one or two boiled potatoes with small amount of warm milk and mash it.
Your sleep food is ready to eat!
Whole-wheat bread
with honey is helpful to release insulin in the body. Insulin helps tryptophan
reach the brain, where it is converted to serotonin. Serotonin in turn induces
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