Bebe Akinboade


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Yeah! I know. Breakouts and acne are the worst nightmare of everyone; especially the ladies. Most times, we wonder: ‘how does a pimple form?’ Well, that’s an easy one to answer: clogged pores, oil and bacteria. Put these three in a mix and you have the perfect recipe for pimples.

The pore, which is the opening of the hair follicle, becomes clogged with dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Bacteria feed off the oil in the clogged pore and attract white blood cells to the area. Your body then responds to this inflammation causing the redness and swelling associated with pimples.

Females with active oil glands and large pores are also prone to breakouts and blackheads. Other causes of acne are stress, hormones, bad cosmetics, birth control pills and other medications.

The eternal question: ‘how do I get rid of them?’ well I have some few tips for you. You can stop the breakout cycle by attacking each element that contribute to breakouts and enjoy a clearer complexion.

It may sound too good to be true, but studies have shown that taking vitamin C orally helps in the prevention of acne. It helps to build immunity and infection. Vitamin E and Zinc are also good supplements that help preventing breakouts.
Over-the-counter products containing Benzoyl- peroxide is effective for fighting bacteria.

For clogged pores, Exfoliation is recommended. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells that may clog the pores. This could be done by masking or scrubbing regularly.

It is also advisable to stick to one’s beauty regimen. A beauty regimen is a set of rules you stick to for a healthy, glowing complexion. The basic beauty regimen is: Cleansing-exfoliation-moisturize.

For most women, blemishes in areas other than the face are a major problem, from the chest and back, to the shoulders and beyond. Body acne can limit one’s wardrobe options and make one feel a tad insecure. Benzoyl- peroxide and Salicylic acid are also good. Over-the-counter products like Neutrogena body scrub is effective in the treatment of body acne.

Although there so many wonderful products that could be used as a first line of defence in the prevention of breakouts, how do you know which one is best for you? Look out for my next post where i will explain the characteristics of various skin types.Some pimples cannot be treated through the use of cosmetics…they could be large in size, hard and very painful. This is the point I advise you to see a dermatologist ‘cos most pimples have to be cleansed from within with the use of antibiotics before physical changes would be seen on the face.
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  1. Hey Bola
    Nice post, aw do I get a good dermatologist. My face is really bad ryt now. Sometimes I can't even look d person m talking 2 in d face cos I fear my pimples/acne is all they wld see.

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