Bebe Akinboade


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Proverbs 18:16 says; “A man’s girt will make room for him and bring him
before great men.”       
Joseph in the Bible developed his abilities in administration and the
interpretation of dreams as a prisoner. He made an investment the day he
interpreted dreams for Pharaoh’s chief butler in prison. The harvest-time
came when the chief butler recommended Joseph to Pharaoh. Joseph interpreted
pharaoh’s dreams and became Prime minister of Egypt.
Joseph’s investment was the key to his achievement.

Let me ask, how many people are you to touching with your abilities and talents
today? Time is a very valuable resource that God has given all of us in equal measure.
It must be wisely invested.
Dear reader, invest your time in worshiping God. Invest it in acquiring
wisdom. Invest it in the service of humanity. Invest it in your family. What
you do with what you have today will determine what you will have

(Success Capsules are specially packaged inspiration messages adapted from the
Success Power Radio Broadcast by Pastor Sam Adeyemi, a motivational speaker,
teacher and the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, Oregun, Lagos)

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