Bebe Akinboade


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Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is spending his 95th birthday in hospital in Pretoria, as events take place around the world and
in South Africa in his honour. Mandela, who is in critical but stable condition with a recurring lung
infection, was admitted to the hospital on June 8. South Africans are being urged to mark the former president and
anti-apartheid leader’s 67 years of public service with 67 minutes of charitable
acts. Mr Mandela’s birthday is also Nelson Mandela International Day, a day
declared by the UN as a way to recognize the Nobel Prize winner’s contribution
to reconciliation.
Some of the activities to mark the day include:  School-children across the country singing a
synchronized Happy Birthday to the former president,    Mandela family members handing out gifts to
Mamelodi township and Mr Mandela becoming the first recipient of South Africa’s new Smart ID Card, introduced on Thursday. His card will be collected on his behalf by his
daughter Zindzi.  Events are also taking place
internationally, with an image of a large Mandela painting by South African
artist Paul Blomkamp featured in New York’s Times Square.
Meanwhile, concerts are planned later this week in the Australian city
of Melbourne, featuring local and African artists.
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