Bebe Akinboade


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What I am talking
about are the potential long term affects that the active skin bleaching
ingredients these companies are using in their products possess. One good
example is an ingredient called Hydroquinone, which is the most common skin
bleaching ingredient used.
It actually has
been completely banned in the UK and other countries, because of the risks associated with it! 
Here is a list of
just some of the potential long term risks cause by using Hydroquinone:
– Irritant contact
dermatitis – which 70% of people who use Hydroquinone regularly are affected
– Hypopigmentation
– which are permanently lightened spots or patches on your skin.
– Nail
Discoloration known as Pseudo Yellow-Nail Syndrome.
– Conjuctival
– Corneal Melanosis
and Degeneration (discoloration and deterioration of the eye)
– Peripheral
– Decreased skin
– Impaired wound
So, why are tons of
companies selling these products??? Well, I am certainly no rocket scientist,
but the answer I believe is pretty clear……MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which really
is…..well, rather sad.

So, with that
said…the final decision on what you use on your skin is ultimately yours to
make. This article is simply to make you aware and educate you of the potential
risks associated with the chemical based products you can buy at your local
If you are
interested in an all-natural, 100% completely safe natural skin lightening
cream to replace the harmful chemicals that the big companies use.Then you have to
check this out!
Skincare & Beauty Therapy has tons of all natural products, not just skin
lightening. Its an all-natural product line for all of your skin problems.
Check out the skincare range HERE
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