Bebe Akinboade


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You may not even realize it yet that you have a
problem … but if you have health concerns of any kind or if you are overweight,
your inner tube could be the root cause. Of course, I’m not talking about
a beach toy. I mean the inner tube of life – your digestive system! How’s that
possible? You might ask, in this article I’ll treat your concerns the best way
I can.
It is likely that you suffer from (or have suffered
from) some type of digestive disorder – irritable bowel syndrome, bloating,
constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, reflux, gas, and other things too gross to
mention. And you are not alone. There are more than 200 OTC (over-the-counter) remedies for
digestive disorders, many of which can create additional digestive
problems. Visits for intestinal disorders are among the most
common reasons for trips to primary care physicians. And that’s not even the worst news.
Most of us (including most doctors) do not recognize
or know that digestive problems wreak havoc in the entire body, leading toballergies, arthritis, autoimmune disease, rashes,acne, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, autism, dementia, cancer, and many more.

So having a healthy gut means more than simply being
free of annoyances like bloating or heartburn! It is absolutely central to your
health. It is connected to EVERYTHING that happens in your body. In this article, BOLA AKINBOADE-BELLO brings to you how you can find out if you have a problem with your gut (though
many of you won’t need me to tell you – your gut will speak for itself!), plus 7 simple exemplary steps you can take today to heal your inner
tube of life.
 Let me explain
why is your gut is very important..

The health of your gut determines what nutrients are
absorbed and what toxins, allergens, and microbes are kept out. It is directly
linked to the health of your whole body. Intestinal health could be
defined as the optimal digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. But
that is a big job that depends on many other factors. Let’s look at a few of them.
First, there are bugs in your gut that form a diverse
and interdependent ecosystem like a rainforest. In fact, there are 500 species
and 3 pounds of bacteria in your gut which form a HUGE chemical factory that
help you digest your food, regulate hormones, excrete toxins, and produce
vitamins and other healing compounds that keep your gut and your body healthy.
This ecosystem of friendly bacteria must be in balance
for you to be healthy. Too many of the wrong bacteria, like parasites and
yeasts, or not enough of the good ones, like Lactobacillus or Bifidobacteria,
can cause health damage.
 So keeping a healthy balance of bugs in your
intestines is one factor to good gut health.
important to understand that many diseases that seem to be totally unrelated to
the gut – such as eczema, psoriasis, or arthritis – are actually caused by gut
Secondly! Your gut-immune system, your entire immune
system, and the rest of your body, is protected from the toxic environment in
your gut by a lining that is only one cell-thick layer. If spread out, this
lining would take up a surface area the size of a tennis court, and the entire
thing is covered by a sewer!
If that barrier is damaged, you can become allergic to
foods you may normally be able to digest perfectly well, you will get sick,
your immune system will become overactive, and it will begin producing inflammation throughout your
body. Filtering out the good from the bad molecules and protecting your
immune system is yet another important factor in gut health.
Thirdly, there is your second brain – your gut’s
nervous system. Did you know your gut, actually contains more neurotransmitters
than your brain? In fact, the gut has a brain of its own. It is called the
“enteric nervous system” and it is a very sophisticated piece of your biology
that is wired to your brain in intricate ways.
Messages constantly travel back and forth between your
gut-brain and your head-brain, and when those messages are interfered with in
anyway your health will suffer.
Fourth, your gut also has to get rid of all the toxins
produced as byproducts of your metabolism ,
which your liver dumps into bile. If things get backed up when you are
constipated, you will become toxic and your health will suffer.
And lastly, your gut must break down all the food you
eat into its individual components, separate out the vitamins and minerals, and
shuttle everything across the one cell-thick layer mentioned above so it can
get into your bloodstream and nourish your body and brain.
Your gut has quite a lot to manage. Even in a perfect
world it is hard to keep all of this in balance. But in our modern world there
are endless insults that can knock our digestive systems off balance making it
much more difficult to maintain excellent digestive health.
To fix your digestion, you first need to understand
what is sending your gut out of balance in the first place.
·      Our
low-fiber, high-sugar, processed, nutrient-poor, high-calorie diet, which
causes all the wrong bacteria and yeast to grow in our gut, damages the
delicate ecosystem in your intestines.
·      Overuse of medications that
damage the gut or block normal digestive function – like acid blockers
(Prilosec, Nexium, etc.), anti-inflammatory medication (aspirin, Advil, and
Aleve), and overuse of antibiotics, steroids, and hormones.
·      Undetected gluten
intolerance, celiac disease, or low grade food allergies to foods such as
dairy, eggs, or corn.
·      Chronic low-grade infections
or gut imbalances with overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, yeast
overgrowth, parasites, or even more serious gut infections.
·      Toxins like mercury  and mold toxins, which damage the gut.
·      Lack of adequate digestive
enzyme function, which can come from acid-blocking medication use, or zinc
·      Stress, which can alter the
gut nervous system, cause a leaky gut, and change the normal bacteria in the
What happens then is obvious. You get sick.
But what’s important to understand is that many
diseases that seem to be totally unrelated to the gut – such as eczema,
psoriasis, or arthritis –which are actually caused by gut problems. By focusing
on the gut, you can get better.
A weepy, red, oozing, scaly, itchy rash, all over your
body, is a perfect example of what can happen when your gut is out of balance
and the extraordinary level of healing that can occur when you fix your
To heal your inner tube of life you simply need to:
1.   Eat whole unprocessed foods.
Make sure to include plenty of fiber from foods like vegetables, beans, nuts,
seeds, and whole grains.
2.   Eliminate food allergies. If you
think you have food sensitivities, try an elimination diet. Cut out  gluten , dairy, yeast, corn, soy, and eggs for a
week or two and see how your gut feels and what happens to your other symptoms.
3.   Treat any infections or overgrowth of bugs. Parasites,
small bowel bacteria, and yeasts can all inhibit proper gut function. You must
treat these infections if you want to heal.
4.   Replenish your digestive enzymes. When you
don’t have enough digestive enzymes in your gut, you can’t properly convert the
foods you eat into the raw materials necessary to run your body and brain. Take
broad-spectrum digestive enzymes with your food to solve the problem.
5.   Rebuild your rain forest of friendly bacteria.
Take probiotic supplements. They will help rebuild the healthy bacteria so
essential to good gut health.
6.   Get good fat. Take extra omega-3 supplements, which help cool inflammation in the gut.
7.   Heal your gut lining. Use gut-healing nutrients
such as glutamine and zinc to repair the lining in your gut so it can resume
its normal function.
your digestion may take some time, but it can be done. And it is absolutely
essential if you want to achieve vibrant health. So work on your inner tube of
life using the steps above and watch as your symptoms (and those extra pounds)
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