Bebe Akinboade


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 Are you
in your 20s and 30s and yet feel like you’ve got the aches and pains of a
50-year-old? You’re not alone: From neck and back pain to high blood pressure,
more and more young women are combating health problems typically associated
with older women. Along with stress and poor diet choices, our modern-day
lifestyle is aging us and messing with our health. In this article, BOLA
AKINBOADE-BELLO brings to you seven culprits to curb stat, along with
old-school methods that will get your mind and body back on track.

over and staring down at our tech devices all day and most of the night is
wrecking our posture. Researchers looked at the mobile phone habits of 56 young
adults who text on a daily basis. Half of the subjects reported problems with
their neck, arms or hands. Those who complained of aches and pains more often
tended to text while hunched over. In another study, preliminary research on
college students suggested that the more they texted, the more pain they
experienced in their neck and shoulders.
our tech addiction is becoming a real pain in the neck. “Text neck” is an
overuse injury that involves the head, neck and shoulders and is brought on by
looking downward at handheld devices such as cell phones, laptops and tablets,
which puts excessive strain on the spine. “When you hold your body in an
abnormal position, it can increase stress on the muscles, cause fatigue, muscle
spasms and even stress headaches.
dishwashers and iRobots are amazing, we’re now 30 percent less active than our
mothers and grandmothers around the house.
The Good
Old-School Solution: Try not to look at cleaning as the ultimate drag. Rather,
consider cleaning your home sans modern appliances for a vintage workout.
“Women used to burn over 1,000 calories in their day-to-day routines, while
women may go to the gym now; mothers/grandmothers were eating fewer calories
and burning more energy.” Cleaning your own home is a win-win: You’ll burn off
calories and have a sparkling clean abode.
You’re glued to your desk all day. There’s no way to sugarcoat this: Research
shows that sitting all day can actually be deadly in the long run, in part
because it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. While you should
always aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise daily,
if you reach that, but sit for the rest of the day, you’re not necessarily
lowering your risk for chronic disease.
up, our moms were light physical activity savants: They played outside as kids
and as moms, rarely sat down, while we were driven everywhere and played
Nintendo. Work on amping up your daily movement quota. Logging more minutes of
light physical activity throughout the day than sedentary behavior can help
improve your health, according to a study in Preventive Medicine. Simple things
like pacing around as you talk on the phone, watering the plants, getting up to
chat with a co-worker in person rather than emailing, and taking a short walk
at lunch all suffice—you just need to be moving more often than not.
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